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+44(0)1227 206117

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Unlock Your Target Buyers with Umap

Universe Map

Understanding the size and composition of your target audience is crucial for effective business promotion.

Our Universe Map (UMap) delivers the definitive list of your entire buyers’ universe, enabling you to identify gaps and engage effectively with new prospects.

What UMap Delivers:

  • Precise Audience Insights: UMap provides a definitive Universe of Target Buyers tailored to your criteria, complete with contact details for targeted marketing outreach and detailed analytical reports.

How it works

Client Success Story:

One of the UK’s largest accountancy events sought to maximize their outreach potential. Within just 24 hours, UMap identified and delivered 17,776 qualified new accountancy firms,  significantly boosting their registration numbers by 36% three months before their event.

Benefits of knowing your target audience

  • Laser-focused marketing campaigns  Tailor your marketing efforts precisely to your audience’s needs and pain points, enhancing campaign effectiveness.
  • Competitive Edge  Identify unique market opportunities and differentiate your business from competitors by addressing specific audience requirements.
  • Improved ROI  Optimize resource allocation by focusing on the most impactful strategies and channels, maximizing your marketing budget’s efficiency and returns.


We work to your exact requirements. For example, if you need a target audience of marketing agencies in London, UMap will search this area for you and return the results in seconds. The geographical area chosen can be as small as a village or as large as a continent.

There is no limit, we can search for one or as many categories as you need.  

Before we begin the audience building process, we ask that you provide use with an exclusion list so that we only compliment your current data with new information. This means you only pay for new data that meets your requirements and nothing else.

The Cleanse & Replenishment
